February Monthly Review

February Statistics & Records

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Av Views/Day77.3-11%-60%82.91%

The full list of records/milestones is available here. No new records were set for the month of February 2018.

Overall, the statistics do not present a great position for the combined online presence of XBOP + NICLEE. The visitor trend for the month is steady, and the small positive sign is found in the three-month-moving average of 5%. Slow and steady is quite acceptable as a trend, and personally, as long as this statistic/metric remains positive in signs-digits, I am comfortable with the outcome.

A 20% decrease in the monthly views has translated into a similar decrease for the views per visitor. If the activity for the month is taken into account, and the consideration that posting frequency reduced to once a week, instead of the near-daily rate from January, it becomes more understandable that the view metric in particular has decreased.

In Real Life…

As Summer becomes Autumn, I find that my ambitions for blogging need to be tempered and balanced by the general busyness of life away from the screens of iPads, iPhones and MacBooks. Sticking with the once a week cycle works for now, and with an upcoming holiday overseas planned, I need to ensure that this rhythm can be maintained comfortably.

2018 has proven to be a bit of a rollercoaster ride in terms of my day job and stability with Terra Firma / Telstra. Changes are afoot, and given how close these events are to the current day timeframes, the opportunity to comment and blog on them is not just yet.

A new collaboration and venture that has sparked in 2018 is Wai Sek Kai, Cantonese for glutton street. This is a Facebook group enterprise established by my cousin-in-law to introduce cooking classes:

My involvement with Wai Sek Kai was to help film and create the promotional videos leading up to the first cooking class event, to be held in early March. Live streaming of the cooking event will be via Facebook and YouTube – via the XBOP channel.