Lifeline Whiteout Walkthrough #10: Arrival at the Relay Station


Having recently played this game through to completion, I decided that in the absence of a proper written walk-through, I would create one here. Warning: Spoiler Alerts!The game Lifeline: Whiteout is developed by 3 Minute and available on iTunes and Google Play. This walk-through focuses on the ninth chapter of the game titled “Arrival at the Relay Station”.  Click here to view the table of contents/list of chapters.

Main Story

Not too bad, though. But now I’ve got to find a way to let Blue in…
It’s pitch dark. There must be a ligh in here… It also smells… weird, too.

Decision A:
A1: Find the light switch
A2: Don’t turn the lights on!

Decision A1: Find the light switch

[Decision A2: Don’t turn the lights on! joins the story-line here]

I’ll find my way around . I don’t want to break a leg or something worse.

I almost tripped…There’s something on the floor… It feels like a bunch of sacks?

My imagination is going wild. I hate this darkness!
Ouch! I cut my hand… I think I found the door, but the glass is shattered…

Luckily the cut isn’t deep. The light switch must be somewhere next to this doorway…

I knew it! There it is! Let there be light!

That’s much bet– Oh my god!
I… I think I found the source of that smell…

It’s blood… death… the early stages of decomposition…
The floor is just… covered with bodies… And… The walls are practically painted with blood!
My hands are dripping with it! I can’t…

I’ve got to get out of this slaughterhouse!

Decision B:
B1: Stay calm. Take a deep breath.
B2: Focus, Adams! Don’t panic

Decision B1: Stay calm. Take a deep breath

(Adams breathes deeply.)

[Decision B2: Focus, Adams! Don’t panic joins the story-line here]

Right. Right… I’m calm.
I’m calm.
Sorry. I was just caught off guard…

Decision C:
C1: Examine the bodies
C2: Check your surroundings

Decision C1: Examine the bodies

I don’t feel like touching them, but I guess I can’t ignore them either.
It’s a slim chance, but someone might still be alive…
That alone is worth checking.
I’ll let you know when I’m done.

[Adams is busy]

I finished investigating…
I’ll start with the good news – none of them is named Adams.
I was scared I’d see four more Adamses, to be honest.
Two are male, the other  two female, all about mid-thirties, except for one middle-aged gentleman – Dr. Rosenkreutz, as his name tag states.
I checked his pockets, and found a keycard, but nothing else.
Also, there’s a fire escape map of the entire facility on the wall. I can use it to orient myself.
There’s not much to explore, though. The place I’m standing now is the lobby.

The shattered glass door leads to a bedroom… and the door across the hall is the bathroom.
And that big, reinforced door should be leading to the computer mainframe room.

But that’s not all that I’ve found…

Decision D:
D1: There was something else?
D2: Tell me about that keycard. [Refer to Decision D1]

Decision D1: There was something else?

[Decision D2: Tell me about that keycard joins the story-line here]

First things first. There another thing…

One of the younger ones had a key in her hand.
I struggled to pull it from her grasp.

Sine they were all shot in the lobby, I can only assume they were running for the exit.

So, if I’m right, this should be the key to the front door…
That means I can finally let Blue inside!

Poor guy must be freezing.
Let me see if the key fits…
Of course! Perfect match!
Blue! Come inside, buddy!
There you are, boy!
Ha-ha, yes! I’m glad to see you, too.

Now if, you’ll excuse me, I need to visit the bathroom a minute.
Wait… I just realised… I don’t remember what I look like. This bathroom has a mirror… so…
Maybe seeing my face will jog my memory?

Here goes…

Multiple decision points join the story-line here:

  • Decision H1: The bedroom
  • Decision H2: The bathroom

Oh my god!
N-no! Im-impossible! It’s not real!
There’s something wrong with this mirror!

Tell me there’s something wrong with this mirror!

Decision E:
E1: What’s wrong, Adams?
E2: What did you see? [Refer to Decision E1]

Decision E1: What’s wrong, Adams?

[Decision E2: What did you see? joins the story-line here]

My face…
It’s not my face! It’s …
It’s the same face as that Doomsayer’s face…
The man I killed is staring back at me, moving his lips in sync with mine.

Am I hallucinating? Is my quit-ridden conscience playing tricks on me?

No… What’s happening to me?
I… I have to wake up from this nightmare.

I just gotta close my eyes. Splash my face with cold water.
It’s not real… It’s just my mind…

No… His eyes are still gazing at me from the mirror! It’s my mouth moving.

Who am I? No… WHAT am I? Am I… an experiment?
Am I a clone?
I knew something was wrong with me, right from the beginning, but I couldn’t put my finger on it…
But wait… What if… I’m not even human?
What if I am something far worse? Some sort of scientific abomination?!

I… I have to find out soon, or I’ll go nuts!

Who did this to me?!
And why?
Is someone going to kill me too?

Decision F:
F1: You’ll find the answers here.
F2: Don’t panic! Just breathe.

Decision F1: You’ll find the answers here

Yes, but…

[Decision F2: Don’t panic! Just breathe joins the story-line here]

I don’t know what to believe anymore! I’m afraid of what we might find. What if… I’m just some clone?

Decision G:
G1: That’s a pretty big logical leap… [Where Decision C1 was made earlier]
G2: That’s a pretty big logical leap… [Where Decision C2 was made earlier]
G3: We need more information to know for sure. [Where Decision C1 was made earlier]
G4: We need more information to know for sure. [Where Decision C2 was made earlier]

Decision G1: That’s a pretty big logical leap…

[Decision G3: We need more information to know for sure joins the story-line here]

Yeah, you’re right. But still… I’m scared… confused…

That mainframe could be my only way out of this nightmare.
I’ve got to get inside that room.
The truth has to be in there.

Luckily, I already found the keycard.



Well, I guess this is it. Time to go in and face my destiny.
The access card worked like a charm! I even got a welcome message on the display: “Welcome, Dr. Rosenkreutz!”
Now let’s see what we have here…
There’s a desk with a laptop and what looks like a central mainframe computer.


Alternate Routes

Decision A2: Don’t turn the lights on!

Wait, why not?
Oh, I get it…
I could draw unwanted attention, but I’ve got no choice.
Without light, I can’t find the computer terminal or search this place for clues.

[Refer to the main story-line – Decision A1]

Decision C2: Check your surroundings

All right. Let’s see… What do we have here?

The room I fell into was some kind of lobby. And guess what? There’s a fire escape map for the entire facility hanging on the wall.

There’s blood spattered on it, but it’s still legible.
There are two rooms next to this one – a bedroom outfitted with a small kitchen and a computer room, separated by an electronic lock.
And there’s a bathroom, too! Yes! After what I’ve been through, I need a hot shower.

Which one should I check first?

Decision H:
H1: The bedroom
H2: The bathroom

Decision F2: Don’t panic! Just breathe

You don’t understand! All these Adamses… They’re all me! Or maybe, I’m one of them?
I… I don’t know what to think…
Something is really wrong with me.
Maybe… Maybe it’s not amnesia. Maybe there’s noithing TO remember.
Maybe I have no past. There’s nothing to look forward to. Nothing to hope for…

[Refer to the main story-line – Decision F1]

Decision G2: That’s a pretty big logical leap…

[Decision G4: We need more information to know for sure joins the story-line here]

Yeah, you’re right. But still… I’m scared… confused…

That mainframe could be my only way out of this nightmare.
I’ve got to get inside that room.
The truth has to be in there.

The computer room is electronically-locked, so I bet they didn’t make these doors easily breakable

So I won’t be trying to bash down that door.

That leaves me with just one option: I need a keycard.

Decision I:
I1: Have you searched the bodies?
I2: Check the bedroom

Decision H1: The bedroom

I’ll take it slow…
There’s no one here.
Just four beds… Some rumpled clothes…

I think I’ve found a place I can spend the night…
Uh… Excuse me a second. I have to go to the bathroom.
I feel nauseous. It must be from those bodies… all that blood…

[Adams is busy]

I puked, but I feel much better now.
A weird thing just crossed my mind.

[Refer to the main story-line – Decision D1]

Decision H2: The bathroom

No one here…
But t here is a bathtub, toilet, and sink at my disposal. Hey, there’s a mirror too!

It never crossed my ind, but I don’t remember what I look like.
I wonder… How do I look…

[Refer to the main story-line – Decision D1]

Decision I1: Have you searched the bodies?

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking…

[Decision I2: Check the bathroom joins the story-line here]

These people were all working here. One of them must have an access card.

I’ll let you know as soon as I find one.

[Adams is busy]

I hate rummaging through corpses… After all I’ve seen, it makes me feel… weird.

Like I had something to do with their deaths.

I know it’s stupid. It’s not that I feel guilt. It’s more like doubt…
But I’ve got to find the truth before I can be sure of anything.
But hey, I found a keycard. So it was worth it. Now I can finally let Blue in. Come on in, lad! There you go!

Decision J:
J1: Did you find anything else?
J2: Did any of them… look like you?

Decision I2: Check the bedroom


Good thinking! Someone could have left a keycard there.
Give me a few minutes to check.

[Adams is busy]

Save for the few personnel trinkets belonging to the personnel, I didn’t find a thing.

I guess I’ll need to search those bodies after all…

[Refer to the alternate story-line – Decision I1]

Decision J1: Did you find anything else?

Not really.
I can’t say I was very… thorough. Moving these corpses around itsn’t very productive.

Besides, I have a keycard. I’m about to find out who I am! They can wait.


Well, I guess this is it. Time to go in and face my destiny.
The access card worked like a charm! I even got a welcome message on the display: “Welcome, Dr. Rosenkreutz!”
Now let’s see what we have here…
There’s a desk with a laptop and what looks like a central mainframe computer.

Decision J2: Did any of them… look like you?

Tahnk God, no!
I was worried I’d find another Adams or two…
There were four bodies: two male, two female. One had a keycard in his pocket. That’s it.


Well, I guess this is it. Time to go in and face my destiny.
The access card worked like a charm! I even got a welcome message on the display: “Welcome, Dr. Rosenkreutz!”
Now let’s see what we have here…
There’s a desk with a laptop and what looks like a central mainframe computer.


Commentary & Analysis

The process flowchart for Chapter 9 is similar to Chapter 8 in that all roads and paths lead to the one outcome – Chapter 10: In the Computer Room. Deciding to explore the surroundings instead of examining the bodies (C2) has implications for later on, where the lack of the keycard adds three decisions to the journey.

The shortest path is via C1:

  1. Decision A1: Find the light switch
  2. Decision B1: Stay calm. Take a deep breath.
  3. Decision C1: Examine the bodies
  4. Decision D1: There was something else?
  5. Decision E1: What’s wrong, Adams?
  6. Decision F1: You’ll find the answers here
  7. Decision G1: That’s a pretty big logical leap…

The following table presents all 320 possible paths for completing Chapter 9. 20% of the possible paths (64) follow the shortest 7 steps above, whereas the remaining 80% are the implication of selecting Decision C2 and extending the journey by a two additional steps.

[table “” not found /]

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