Lego #70807: Metalbeard's Duel

The addition of Metalbeard’s Duel brought my Lego set collection to five.

Key Statistics

Official Page: Lego Store
Brick Instructions: Link
Pieces: 412, 181 unique parts & 14 rare
Mini Figures: 3
Age group: 8 – 14
Date assembled: 8 February 2015
Assembly duration: 1 hour
Main steps: 51
Total steps (includes repetitions & sub-components): 182

Selection & Theme

The selection of this Lego set reflects the alternation between Lego themes – Star Wars and The Lego Movie. In seeking a new set from The Lego Movie, picking Metalbeard’s Duel was the next logical choice. With 412 pieces, the size and complexity of the set was moderately challenging as reflected in the hour-long duration spent in assembling the units.


With two major characters and three mini figures, Lego Set #70807 results in Metalbeard himself as well as a Micro Manager Robot figure. Frank the Foreman, a Robo SWAT and a robot skeleton are the three mini figures.


A single instruction booklet is split into three bags as follows:

The first bag assembles the Micro Manager and the three mini figures. The Robot Skeleton mini figure arm parts are interchangeable in design – it does not appear to have a “right” way to connect to the body. The first 12 steps assemble the foundation cube of the Micro Manager. I find it interesting that even though you cannot see the insides of the unit, the internal parts are still correctly provided in contrasting colour. Partly, the contrasting colours help in guiding the assembly. Both Steps #6 and #7 have a duplicated minor 2-step process within contributing an additional 8 minor steps. Step #13 is an extended sequence of four components which completes the lid/covering of the Micro Manager. Step #15 is constructed over 8 mini steps within, completing the underneath middle section, with the joins that swivel for the legs. Each leg is built over 10 steps (16 minor steps). Three steps (#17 to #19) cover cosmetic enhancements that are adding to the main structure that is visibly identifiable as the Micro Manager. The arms are assembled over five steps; an additional 54 steps are added to the main 20-step sequence for this character.

The other half of this set is Metalbeard, who’s parts are all located and accessed from a second and third bag. The first seven steps form the middle. At Step #8, the treasure chest is assembled over three secondary steps. A steady series of steps sees Metalbeard slowly take shape, culminating with the middle milestone of Step #20 with his head now visible and a further two steps to complete the torso. At Step #23, a series of five parts, the lower body section takes form. The left peg-leg is constructed over 10 mini steps. Another 8-step sequence builds the right leg, whilst a 9-step process finishes off the foot. After 25 main steps, the entire second bag’s worth of parts has been turned into the basic Metalbeard character.

The final third bag of parts completes Metalbeard. 6.3 parts (9 steps in total) construct the left arm with cannon. Seeing the cannon parts triggers in me a flashback to the Lego Pirate sets from the 1980s. These cannons are fireable! The right arm with distinguishable shark feature is another 7.12 process (19 total). The finishing touches for Metalbeard are his sword (three steps), flag (four steps), two “shoulder pads” (three steps each) and what I will describe as a smoke/chimney stack (two steps).

Statistical Analysis

With 131 additional steps including the repetitions, this is an increase of 256% on the 51 main steps. The number of additional steps and repetitions makes this set slightly more complex than the previous Lego Movie set – Super Cycle Chase.

With a uniqueness rating of 44% compared to 28% for the immediate last set (General Grievous’ Wheel Bike), this suggests the degree of difficulty here is lower since the parts are more commonly used. This set is also an average size within the Lego Movie theme; a good challenge for assembly whilst introducing new characters that are highly playable.